الجمعة، 3 مايو 2013

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الأحد، 28 أبريل 2013

There are two ways to make coffee, all made ​​easy

The first method

2 teaspoon coffee French kind Who love him

2 teaspoon cocoa powder
Tablespoon liquid milk
Water quantity cup
Brown sugar as you want

Put all ingredients except milk liquid b coffee pot over low heat until so close shot put liquid parts of the milk Cup and then pour the coffee PAA Cup and enjoy coffee PAA
read more " French coffee قهوة فرنسية "

Coffee twix

Ba put mixer from 4 to 6 Tox fingers +2 cup liquid milk + cream caramel envelope +  big tablespoon Dream Whip
Then put it by the coffee jug until boiling and thereafter
read more " قهوة التويكس Coffee twix, "
